30 Amazing Tips For Motivation To Learn A Language If You're A Procrastinator


30 Amazing Tips For Motivation To Learn A Language If You're A Procrastinator

Photo Credit: Mariia Korneeva/Shutterstock

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How Do I Motivate Myself To Learn A Language?​

A woman sitting at a table, working on a laptop and looking frustrated

Ready to learn a new language, but not sure how to stay motivated along the way? Or are you a procrastinator struggling to stay motivated in language learning?

You want to learn a new language but you’re having trouble staying motivated and dedicated when you don't experience immediate results.

You're stuck in a cycle of starting, quitting, and regretting that you waited until the last minute to get started. If you're a procrastinator who is trying to learn a new language but can't seem to stay motivated, this article is for you!

Learning any language is a long and challenging journey, and requires a lot of hard work and dedication to become fluent.

This can be especially difficult for procrastinators who tend to put off studying until the last minute. It requires commitment to not only start the journey but also to stay in it until the desired level of fluency is achieved.

This lack of motivation leads to a disorganized learning process, resulting in slow progress or a complete halt in the language learning journey. Procrastinators need to find ways to stay focused and motivated if they are going to succeed in their language learning goals.

But there’s hope! I provide 30 actionable tips that will help you break free from this common trap. From understanding the science of motivation and its intrinsic/extrinsic factors, right down to how to break up long-term goals into micro-goals – I’ve got it all covered!

You can use these methods not only in language learning but also in any other goal or task you need motivation for. And once motivation isn't an issue for you anymore, then fluency won't be out of reach either!

With these tips, anyone can become a motivated learner and reach fluency faster than ever! Get ready — your path towards becoming fluent is now within reach!

The Importance Of Motivation In Language Learning

Motivation plays a crucial role in language learning, as it serves as the driving force that keeps you interested and engaged in your studies. An enthusiastic learner is more likely to overcome challenges, embrace mistakes, and stay committed to their goals.

A motivated language learner sets clear objectives and establishes an effective study routine with consistency. For example, they might allocate scheduled learning time every day or practice conversational skills with native speakers through language exchanges or meetups.

In contrast, lack of motivation can lead to procrastination and hinder progress towards fluency. Surrounding yourself with passionate language learners or adopting tried-and-tested techniques like using apps or consuming media in the target language can help keep inspiration alive throughout your journey.

Understanding Motivation In Language Learning

Motivation is critical for language learners, and understanding the science behind it can help you stay on track.

The Science Of Motivation

The science of motivation is a fascinating field that can provide valuable insights for language learners striving to keep their enthusiasm high. At its core, motivation refers to the driving force behind our decisions and actions, which can be categorized as either intrinsic or extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within ourselves; it's when we do something because it's genuinely enjoyable or personally fulfilling.

In the context of language learning, researchers have found that a healthy balance between these two types of motivations is key to maintaining focus and dedication in the long run.

For instance, intrinsic motivators may include intellectual stimulation, cultural immersion, friendship and dating opportunities with native speakers of your target language – all sizeable sources of personal satisfaction.

A notable theory in this realm is Henry Murray's Need for Achievement Theory—a psychological concept suggesting that humans are driven by an innate desire for success and accomplishment—which further reaffirms the importance of setting achievable goals while staying accountable during your linguistic journey.

External factors like rewards are the source of extrinsic motivation. This type of motivation typically involves tangible incentives like prizes or money to motivate people to take action.

In the context of language learning, extrinsic motivators can be anything from enrolling in an online course with a certificate at the end, to participating in competitions and joining study groups—all of which come with some form of external recognition and reward.

Understanding Your Motivation For Learning A New Language

To stay motivated while learning a new language, it's important to understand your reasons for doing so. Whether you're looking for personal growth or career opportunities, there are numerous benefits to becoming bilingual.

In the next section, we'll explore common motivators and how they can help you achieve your language goals.

Personal Growth

Acquiring a new language has the potential to bring about significant personal development. The process not only broadens your horizons by exposing you to different cultures, but it also enhances cognitive skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

Career Opportunities

Proficiency in a foreign language can open up new career opportunities and enhance one's employability. Employers value candidates who are bilingual or multilingual, particularly those who can communicate fluently with clients or partners from different countries.

For example, knowledge of Mandarin Chinese can be an asset in international business transactions with China. In addition, there are established careers that require language skills such as interpreting, translating, teaching English as a foreign language and working for NGOs or government agencies where languages are used frequently and widely spoken.

Travel Experiences

Traveling to foreign countries can be an exciting motivation for language learners. With the ability to interact with locals and immerse oneself in the culture, learning a new language becomes more than just acquiring a skill - it becomes an adventure.

Whether it's ordering food at a restaurant, asking for directions, or simply greeting someone in their native tongue, being able to communicate in another language can enhance travel experiences by making them more authentic and meaningful.

Cultural Immersion

Cultural immersion is an integral aspect of language learning that involves fully engaging with the culture, customs, and traditions of a target language. It can enhance language learning by providing a deeper understanding of the nuances and subtleties in communication.

Participating in cultural events like festivals or joining social groups that share similar interests can increase opportunities to practice the target language while simultaneously gaining real-life insight into its usage.

Additionally, exposure to music, movies, literature and other forms of media created by native speakers also helps connect learners with their desired cultures.

Understanding Procrastination In Language Learning

Procrastination is a common problem faced by language learners, and it can seriously interfere with the learning process. Distractions, lack of support, and fear of failure are just a few factors that contribute to procrastination in language learning.

To overcome procrastination in language learning, creating a conducive environment for study is essential. This means finding a quiet space in which to work without distractions like noisy children or loud music.

Another way to tackle procrastination is by celebrating small successes along the way. Ultimately, motivation requires consistency over the long haul and sticking with an enjoyable plan even when progress seems slow at times.

Why Am I Not Motivated To Learn A Language?


Procrastination is one of the most common obstacles faced by language learners. It's easy to feel demotivated when we don't see immediate progress or results, or when we struggle with a particular aspect of the language.

To overcome procrastination in language learning, it's essential to break down large goals into smaller achievable milestones and establish a consistent study routine that fits your schedule.

It's important to remember that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Rather than avoiding them out of fear or embarrassment, embracing them as opportunities for improvement can help reduce procrastination and boost motivation in language learning.

Negative Mindset

One of the biggest motivation killers for language learners is a negative mindset. When you constantly doubt your ability to learn a new language or dwell on past mistakes, it can be challenging to stay motivated and keep moving forward.

It's important to shift your focus from what you're doing wrong to what you're doing right. Celebrate even small successes like mastering basic phrases or understanding a difficult grammar concept.

Lack Of Discipline

Lack of discipline can derail the language learning progress. Without a structured routine, it's easy to procrastinate or lose motivation altogether. To overcome this obstacle, set realistic study goals and make them a part of your daily routine.

Remember that establishing discipline requires both planning and accountability. Set specific interim goals and track your progress regularly using a logbook or app to stay on track.

Celebrate small victories along the way, such as successfully ordering food in the target language at a restaurant or having your first conversation with a native speaker.

The Learning Plateau

At some point in the language learning journey, you may experience what is known as a learning plateau. This phase can be frustrating and demotivating, but it's important to remember that it's a natural part of the process.

A learning plateau happens when your progress seems to stall or slow down, despite continued effort and practice.

To overcome a learning plateau, try changing up your study routine with new resources or techniques. Take some time to reflect on your goals and objectives and make sure they are still relevant and motivating.

It may also help to seek out feedback from others or find a language exchange partner who can provide more conversational practice.

Overwhelming Goals

It's common for language learners to feel discouraged by overwhelming goals. Trying to master an entire language can seem like an insurmountable task, leading some learners to give up before they even start.

But the key to staying motivated is breaking down those big goals into smaller, more achievable ones. Start with a specific focus, such as improving your listening skills or mastering basic conversation phrases, and build from there.

Setting interim goals along the way can keep you on track and boost your confidence as you work towards your ultimate achievement of fluency.

Competing Priorities

As a language learner, it's easy to feel overwhelmed with competing priorities – work, family, friends, hobbies. It can be difficult to make time for language learning when there are so many other demands of your time and attention.

However, by setting clear priorities and sticking to them, you can maintain motivation in your language learning journey.

One strategy for staying motivated is to schedule dedicated study time into your daily routine. This means identifying times of the day when you're most alert and focused and blocking off that time solely for language learning activities.

Another way is to try incorporating language learning into other parts of your life - listening to podcasts while commuting or practicing vocabulary during breaks at work.

30 Tips For Staying Motivated To Learn A Language

1. Remembering Your Initial Reasons For Learning A New Language

It's easy to lose sight of why you started learning a new language when the journey gets tough. But remembering those initial reasons can help reignite your motivation and keep you on track towards fluency.

Your personal goals for learning a language may vary, from wanting to communicate with family members or friends in their native tongue, to improving travel experiences or professional prospects.

Clarifying these motivations and reminding yourself of them regularly can give you an extra push when things get challenging.

2. Set Specific, Measurable, And Time-bound Goals

One of the keys to successful language learning is setting specific, measurable, and time-bound goals. Without clear objectives, it's easy to become overwhelmed and lose motivation.

Start by identifying your ultimate goal – maybe you want to speak fluently with native speakers or have a conversation in a professional setting. Then break that larger goal into smaller interim goals that are achievable within a shorter time frame.

For example, if you're starting from scratch with a new language, your first goal might be to learn basic phrases like "hello" and "thank you." Make sure each goal is measurable so you can track your progress over time.

Finally, give yourself a deadline for reaching each goal.

Setting achievable short-term goals can help learners feel more accomplished while working towards their long-term ambitions. Celebrate small successes along the way by rewarding oneself.

3. Visualize Your Future Success

Visualization can be a powerful tool for language learners looking to stay motivated and dedicated to reaching their goals.

Picture yourself in the future, speaking or writing fluently in your new language. Think through what success looks like – do you picture yourself conversing with native speakers in a different country? Speaking up confidently during business meetings? Whatever it is that drives you, let yourself imagine that success in vivid detail.

When challenges arise – and they will – it can be helpful to meditate on this future vision, which can help you stay focused and motivated.

You may also want to create a vision board with images that represent your language learning aspirations. Hang the board in a place where you'll see it every day, such as your bedroom or office.

By visualizing success and keeping it in front of you, you can maintain the motivation to keep pushing forward!

4. Develop A Positive Mindset

Developing a positive mindset is crucial for language learners to stay motivated and committed. By focusing on the progress made rather than the mistakes, it's easier to maintain a positive attitude towards language learning.

When faced with challenges such as difficult grammar rules or unfamiliar vocabulary, reframing them as opportunities can help shift one's perspective and embrace learning with excitement.

Incorporating mindfulness techniques such as meditation or visualization can also foster a positive mindset. 

Furthermore, celebrating small successes along the way by rewarding oneself for reaching milestones encourages positive reinforcement and builds momentum towards achieving fluency.

5. Prioritize And Plan Language Learning In Your Schedule

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated when learning a new language is by prioritizing and planning your language learning in your daily schedule.

This involves setting aside dedicated time each day or week for language study, whether it's attending a class, using language learning apps, reading in the target language, or practicing speaking with native speakers.

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide To Creating An Effective Language Learning Schedule.

For example, if you have busy work days during the week but weekends are relatively free, consider scheduling longer study sessions on Saturdays and Sundays.

Alternatively, if you prefer shorter study sessions then commit to studying every day at the same time regardless of how busy your day may be - even just 30 minutes per day can make a big difference over time.

RELATED: Pimsleur Review: How To Learn Any Language With This Super Easy Method.

6. Set Deadlines For Language Milestones

Setting deadlines for language milestones is an effective way to stay motivated in your language learning journey. By breaking down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable objectives, you can track your progress and celebrate small wins along the way.

For example, if your long-term goal is to become fluent in Spanish within a year, you could set interim goals such as completing a beginner course in six weeks or being able to hold a basic conversation after three months of consistent practice.

One useful tool for setting and tracking language milestones is keeping a logbook where you record what you've learned each day or week. This helps with accountability and gives you something tangible to look back on when measuring progress over time.

7. Establish A Daily Routine

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated in language learning is by establishing a daily routine. When you make language learning part of your daily routine, it becomes a habit and it's easier to maintain.

Creating a study schedule that works for you is key - whether it's 30 minutes every morning with breakfast or an hour before bed each night.

Additionally, incorporating variety into your language learning routine can help keep things fresh and engaging.

8. Be Disciplined, Yet Flexible

Discipline is essential in language learning, but being too rigid can lead to burnout and demotivation. A disciplined approach includes setting a clear goal, planning time for consistent practice, and sticking to a routine.

However, it's also crucial to be flexible when life gets in the way.

The key is to maintain consistency with regular commitment while acknowledging that achieving fluency takes time and effort. It's okay if you don't hit every milestone on schedule or miss an occasional day of study.

Adjusting your goals according to the progress you've made is necessary for making steady progress towards fluency over an extended period.

9. Identify And Limit Distractions

Distractions can be a major hindrance to the language learning progress. To stay motivated and on track, it's important to identify potential distractions and limit them as much as possible.

This may mean setting aside dedicated study time in a quiet environment, turning off notifications on your phone or computer, or avoiding multitasking while studying.

It could also mean being mindful of competing priorities such as work or family obligations that may interfere with your language learning routine.

10. Integrate The Target Language Into Your Daily Life

To truly master a new language, it's important to make it a part of your daily routine. This means finding ways to integrate the target language into everyday activities.

RELATED: 13 Ways To Effortlessly Integrate Studying Into Your Language Learning Routine.

For example, switch the language on your phone and other electronic devices to the new language. Another way to integrate the target language is through cooking recipes in that language.

By making the effort to incorporate the new language into all aspects of your daily life, learning will become more natural and enjoyable.

11. Track Your Progress With A Language Learning Logbook

A language learning logbook can be a useful tool for tracking your progress and staying motivated. By keeping a record of the new vocabulary, grammar rules, and phrases you learn each day, you'll be able to see how far you've come over time.

One way to use a language learning logbook is by setting short-term goals and milestones along the way.

For example, if your goal is to reach intermediate fluency in six months, break that down into smaller goals such as mastering basic verb conjugations or memorizing common idioms within specific timeframes.

RELATED: Guaranteed To Reach Fluency: How To Learn A Language In 6 Months.

This will help create a sense of accomplishment with each milestone reached. Reviewing your logbook on a monthly basis allows you to see your growth over time and recognize areas where improvement is needed.

12. Start Speaking The Language From Day One

One of the most effective ways to learn a new language is by speaking it from day one. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and don't wait until you think you have enough vocabulary or grammar knowledge before starting conversations.

Even if you only know basic phrases, find someone to practice with, whether it's a language exchange partner or a native speaker.

RELATED: How To Find Your Perfect Language Tutor Online (12 Simple Steps).

Studies show that consistent practice is key for language learning success. So set aside time each day to speak with someone in your target language or engage in using virtual reality with Mondly.

13. Immerse Yourself In The Target Language

One of the most effective ways to boost your language learning efforts is to immerse yourself in the target language.

This means surrounding yourself with as much exposure to the language as possible, whether it be through movies and TV shows, music, podcasts, news articles, or even conversations with native speakers.

Not only that, immersing yourself in the culture of the language can also help deepen your understanding and appreciation of it.

14. Practice Speaking With Native Speakers

One of the best ways to improve your language skills and build confidence is to practice speaking with native speakers. It may be intimidating at first, but regular conversations with native speakers can help you identify weaknesses in your language skills and improve them quickly.

RELATED: Italki Review: Is italki Worth It For Learning How To Speak A Language?

There are many ways to connect with native speakers online or offline, such as through language exchanges, meetups, or even social media platforms like Facebook groups or forums dedicated to learning a particular language.

RELATED: How Does italki Work? How To Use italki To Learn A Language Effectively.

You can also consider hiring a tutor for one-on-one conversation practice tailored to your level and goals.

15. Participate In Language Exchanges And Meetups

One of the best ways to stay motivated and make progress in your language learning journey is to participate in language exchanges and meetups. These events provide a social element to learning, allowing you to connect with other speakers who are also passionate about your target language.

Meetup is a great platform to search for meetup groups in your city or town to practice speaking your target language with other language learners.

Through these events, you can gain insights into the culture of the language and practice speaking in a real-life context. Speaking with native speakers can improve fluency, boost confidence, and clarify doubts that may arise during self-study.

Online communities like Tandem, HelloTalk, Interpals and Busuu also offer opportunities for learners to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world, leading to friendships and networking opportunities while improving your understanding of different cultures.

16. Make Language Learning Enjoyable

Learning a new language can be fun and exciting if approached with the right attitude. One way to make language learning enjoyable is by incorporating activities or hobbies that you already enjoy into your language study routine.

RELATED: 30 Insanely Fun Ways To Learn A Language (So You’re Never Bored).

For example, if you love cooking try finding some recipes in your target language and follow along while practicing food-related vocabulary. If you enjoy watching movies, start watching films or TV shows in the target language with subtitles to improve listening skills.

Another way to make language learning enjoyable is by using interactive resources such as apps, online games and board games specifically designed for language learners.

RELATED: 30+ Best Language Learning Games That Are Actually Fun & Effective.

Remembering that learning a new language should not feel like a chore but rather an exciting journey of discovery which can help keep motivation levels high.

17. Consume Media In The Target Language

Consuming media in the target language is a great way to improve your listening skills, absorb the language effectively and maintain motivation.

Exploring popular culture through media consumption can make language learning more enjoyable while also offering insights into the culture and customs of the country where the target language is spoken.

From books to magazines to music to even social media pages of native celebrities, there are various resources available for language learners to expand their skills and provide entertainment at the same time.

Watching movies or TV shows with subtitles in the target language can help you recognize new words and phrases while providing a fun way to practice listening comprehension.

18. Attend Cultural Events Related To Your Target Language

Attending cultural events related to the target language can be a great way for procrastinators to stay motivated and dedicated.

From festivals and concerts showcasing traditional music to art exhibitions featuring artwork from native artists, attending cultural events allows you to experience the target language firsthand from people who are native speakers.

Interacting with locals is an excellent opportunity for practice speaking your target language in a safe and comfortable environment.

Additionally, attending such events can provide an opportunity to build relationships with other individuals who are learning the same language as you. Connecting with people on the same journey can be an invaluable source of support throughout your language learning process. 

Finally, attending cultural events related to your target language can also help expand your knowledge about the culture and customs of the country where the target language is spoken.

19. Take A Language Class

Taking a language class is another great way for procrastinators to stay motivated and dedicated. Language classes offer the structured environment that many procrastinators need to be successful in their language learning journey. 

When taking a language class, you will have weekly assignments which can help keep you on track and provide structure. Having an experienced teacher can be invaluable in helping to answer any questions and providing feedback on your progress. 

Finally, having classmates can be a great source of support throughout the language learning process. Being able to practice speaking with other individuals who are also trying to learn can help keep you motivated and engaged in the process of becoming fluent in the target language.

20. Identify Areas Of Difficulty

Identifying areas of difficulty is an important step in language learning. It allows you to focus on the specific skills and concepts that require improvement, which can help you progress more efficiently.

Some common areas of difficulty include pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. One effective way to identify these areas is by keeping a logbook of your language learning journey and reflecting on what aspects are challenging for you.

For example, if you struggle with verb tenses or sentence structure in writing assignments or conversations with native speakers, then this indicates a need for further study in grammar.

Similarly, if you have trouble understanding spoken language through media like movies or TV shows without subtitles, then working on listening comprehension exercises may be necessary.

According to research studies published by Henry Murray's Need for Achievement theory; setting interim goals (specific achievable targets), reviewing progress regularly including strengths as well as weaknesses strengthen motivation towards achieving end goals such as fluency in foreign languages within a shorter span of time than having no target at all.

21. Fighting Negative Thoughts

When it comes to language learning, negative thoughts can be a real motivation killer. However, there are ways to combat those self-doubts and negative thinking patterns.

One method is to acknowledge the negative thought and then challenge it with a positive one. For example, if you find yourself thinking "I'll never be able to learn this," try replacing that thought with "I may not know everything now, but with practice and dedication I will improve."

Another way to fight negativity is by seeking support from fellow language learners or joining an online community where you can share your struggles and get encouragement.

It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes in their language journey - even native speakers! Don't let fear of failure hold you back from reaching your goals. Instead, focus on the progress you're making and celebrate the small victories along the way.

22. Seek Guidance From Experienced Learners

Another effective way to stay motivated while learning a new language is by seeking guidance from experienced learners. Connecting with others who have already gone through the ups and downs of language learning can provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies for success.

They can share their own experiences of overcoming obstacles and offer advice on how to navigate common challenges like procrastination or hitting a plateau. Engaging with fellow learners who share similar goals creates a sense of community that can keep motivation levels high.

Consider joining online forums or in-person meetups organized specifically for language learners to connect with peers who are also on their own language learning journey.

23. Get Inspired By Successful Language Learners

One of the best ways to stay motivated in your language learning journey is by looking up to successful language learners. You can find inspiration from people who have accomplished what you aspire to achieve.

Seek out blogs, social media profiles, and YouTube channels of successful language learners who share their stories about learning a new language. Some examples are Luca Lampariello, Benny Lewis, and Ikenna.

These polyglots offer tips on how they learned languages efficiently and motivate others to do the same.

Moreover, finding success stories from ordinary individuals like yourself serves as great motivation for keeping going when things get tough or challenging.

24. Adjust Your Learning Strategies

As a language learner, it's essential to continually adjust and adapt your learning strategies. What works for one learner may not work for another. Don't be afraid to try different learning methods until you find what works best for you.

For example, if you have trouble memorizing vocabulary words, consider using visual aids or mnemonics to help retain the information better. Or if grammar rules are challenging, try using interactive resources like games and videos to gain a better understanding or seeking the help of a tutor.

RELATED: 4 Most Popular Language Learning Styles: What Type Of Language Learner Are You?

It's also important to remember that language learning is not a one-size-fits-all process, so don't compare yourself with others' progress or success rates. Instead, tailor your approach based on what keeps you engaged and passionate about the language you're studying.

Whether it's watching Netflix shows in the target language or participating in cultural meetups with native speakers, incorporate activities that bring enjoyment into your routine consistently.

25. Try New Learning Methods

In addition to adjusting your learning strategies, it's important to also try new methods and approaches. This can be anything from changing up how you study with textbooks or using mobile apps for language learning.

For instance, if you're having trouble memorizing words, why not use spaced repetition software such as Pimsleur? Or if you want to learn faster and grow your confidence, why not try out shadowing exercises or even peer-to-peer language exchanges?

RELATED: Pimsleur Review: How To Learn Any Language With This Super Easy Method.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to give yourself time to get comfortable with it. Every learner has different preferences and goals in mind when it comes to learning a new language, so find what works for you and stick with it!

26. Mix Up Your Language Learning Resources

Procrastinators tend to get bored easily. To stay motivated, mix up the language learning resources you use.

For example, if you're reading a book in the target language, switch it up and try out an app or a podcast instead. This will help keep your mind engaged and prevent boredom from creeping in. 

Another great tip is to switch between studying solo and with other people. If you're a lone language learner, why not join an online language club or find a language buddy who is also working towards fluency? Having someone to speak with in the target language can help to keep you motivated and on track.

27. Focus On The Process, Not Just The End Goal

It's easy to get caught up in reaching that final goal of fluency, but it's important to remember the value of focusing on the process of learning. By putting emphasis on each step in your language journey, you'll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the language itself.

For example, instead of being fixated solely on passing an upcoming language level exam, take pride in and celebrate small victories like mastering a new set of grammar rules or holding a conversation with a native speaker without needing to rely heavily on translation tools.

Consistency is key here to - make learning part of your daily routine alongside other responsibilities and interests.

28. Embrace Making Mistakes

Making mistakes is unavoidable when learning a language. It's important to embrace this aspect of the process and not let your fear of failure hold you back.

Whenever you stumble over a word or phrase, remind yourself that it's an opportunity to learn and improve.

RELATED: How Not To Learn A Foreign Language: 23 Mistakes In Language Learning.

Embracing mistakes also means reframing your mindset about what success in language learning looks like. Instead of focusing solely on achieving perfect grammar or fluency, celebrate small successes such as understanding a conversation or correctly using a new vocabulary word in context.

29. Focus On Your Progress And Successes

One of the most important things to stay motivated in language learning is by focusing on your progress and successes. Learning a new language can be challenging, and it's easy to get discouraged when you feel like you're not making enough progress or facing difficulties.

Whether it's mastering a grammar rule or holding your first conversation with a native speaker, acknowledging your achievements boosts confidence and self-esteem.

Keeping track of your progress using a logbook or app can help you see how far you've come and motivate you to continue and not give up.

30. Reward Yourself For Reaching Language Milestones

It can be challenging to learn a new language, but the benefits are worth the effort. One way to stay motivated is to set achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach them.

Rewards don't have to be big or expensive - they can be as simple as treating yourself to your favorite snack, watching a movie in the target language, or taking a day off from studying.

Whatever it is, make sure it's something that motivates you and makes you feel good about your progress.


Learning a new language is a worthy pursuit that offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal growth.

Motivation plays an essential role in successfully acquiring a new language, and understanding your intrinsic motivation can help propel you towards fluency.

Key Takeaways

  • Motivation is a crucial factor in language learning as it drives learners to stay interested and engaged in their studies, set clear objectives, and establish an effective study routine.

  • Understanding the science of motivation can help language learners maintain focus and dedication by balancing intrinsic motivators like personal satisfaction with extrinsic ones such as career advancement or travel opportunities.

  • Common motivation killers like procrastination, negative mindset, lack of discipline, or distractions may hinder progress towards fluency. Overcoming these challenges requires breaking down large goals into smaller achievable milestones, tracking progress regularly through a logbook & taking short term breaks to celebrate milestones while making language learning enjoyable.

  • There are numerous motivating factors that individuals may have when learning a new language such as personal growth, career opportunities including increasing earning potential & employability across various industries globally; travel experiences by enriching cultural immersion activities.

Remember that making mistakes is part of the process and not something to be feared! Find enjoyment in consuming media in the target language such as TV shows, movies or books while also supplementing it with conversational practice with other learners or native speakers out there.


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So, here’s the question: Are there any amazing tips on this list that you think I missed when it comes to motivating yourself to learn a language if you’re a procrastinator? Let us know in the comments section down below!

P.S. I want to hear from you today. No for real, get out from behind that keyboard and tell us more about yourself! Use the comment section down below and introduce yourself.

Hey, I’m Mara.

I am the founder and blogger of Sololingual helping anyone at any age, from any place, who wants to learn a new language. You can learn how to reach fluency in your chosen language fast, fun and easily studying a short amount each day and spending very little money using different language learning techniques, programs and resources at your disposal. Fluency isn't difficult to achieve. In fact, it’s easy when you find a solid method that walks you through every step of the way, and believing in yourself so that you can achieve your goal at becoming fluent in any language.

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