Mondly Review: Experience The #1 Advanced Way To Learn A Language Without Traveling


Mondly Review: Experience The #1 Advanced Way To Learn A Language Without Traveling

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Mondly Languages: Is This Language App Worth It?

Looking for a fun, easy and affordable way to learn a new language? Learning a foreign language can be challenging, especially if you don't have the time or money to travel.

You might feel like you're not making progress, or that you're just not good at languages. You might even feel like it's too late for you to learn.

RELATED: Debunking 21 Language Learning Myths: Why Learning A Language Isn’t Hard.

Traditional language learning methods such as attending classes, using textbooks or watching videos can be expensive and time-consuming.

Mondly is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to learn a new language quickly and easily.

In this review we’ll explore the features and benefits, the pros & cons of using Mondly, how it can be used in different scenarios and why it’s the best choice for anyone who wants to learn a foreign language without having to travel abroad.

What Is Mondly?

Mondly is an innovative language learning program designed to help users learn foreign languages. Mondly is different from other language learning apps because it uses gamification to make the process more enjoyable. 

The app offers a range of features such as speech recognition, virtual reality lessons and artificial intelligence coaching to make learning easier and more effective.

It also allows users to learn multiple languages simultaneously and features over 95,000 real-world conversations in 41 different languages - making it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to learn a language without traveling.

How Does Mondly Work?

Mondly is a highly interactive language learning platform that boasts over 1,000 lessons and exercises to improve your language skills. With Mondly’s virtual reality (VR) lessons, you can immerse yourself in an environment of native speakers without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

Additionally, they have a speech recognition feature that allows you to practice pronouncing words and phrases in real-time.

​​The app also offers advanced artificial intelligence (AI) coaching that provides personalized feedback and guidance as you progress through your course. This means, for example, if you’re having difficulty pronouncing certain words or phrases, Mondly will give you helpful tips on pronunciation and grammar.

Mondly also has some fun features such as gamification, which adds a competitive element to your language learning experience.

You can set goals and compete against other users who are in the same course or language level. This helps you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. 

Benefits Of​​ Using Mondly

Mondly is an incredibly powerful learning tool that can help you become proficient in any language.

Here are some of the key benefits that make it a great choice for learning a foreign language:

1. Beginner learners

Mondly provides the perfect platform to start learning a new language. It has thousands of fun lessons and exercises to help you quickly build your vocabulary and learn grammar rules in the context of real-world conversations.

2. Advanced learners

Can benefit from Mondly’s speech recognition feature, which allows them to practice their pronunciation with native speakers.

They can also use the virtual reality lessons to fully immerse themselves in the language and the AI coaching to get personalized feedback and guidance as they progress.

3. Immersion

With Mondly’s virtual reality lessons, you can immerse yourself in an environment of native speakers without ever leaving your home. This allows you to learn quickly and easily in a realistic setting, such as sitting in a restaurant ordering food.

4. Variety

Mondly offers a wide range of fun games and activities, as well as exercise types and tasks that will keep you motivated and engaged in the process. This includes multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the blank exercises, pronunciation practice, virtual reality lessons and much more.

5. Progression

With Mondly’s AI coaching and gamification features, you can track your progress as you improve your language skills. You can also set goals and compete against other users who are in the same course or level.

Who Is Mondly For?

Mondly is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to learn a new language quickly and easily. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, Mondly has something for everyone.

It's specifically designed for people of all ages, whether you're a student, traveler, business professional or just someone looking to improve their language skills.

The app is also great for travelers who want to brush up on their language skills before visiting a foreign country. With Mondly, you can easily learn the basics of a language without spending hours in the classroom.

If you don't have the time or money to attend language classes or travel abroad, Mondly is the perfect solution. It's a great way to learn on your own terms and at your own pace - without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

Overall, Mondly is a great choice for anyone looking to learn a new language without having to leave home. Whether you're just starting out or already have some knowledge of the language, Mondly can help you take your skills to the next level.

The Different Ways To Learn A Language With Mondly

Mondly for Business

Mondly for Business provides businesses with a comprehensive language learning solution. With interactive audio-visual lessons and personalized coaching, Mondly for Business helps companies build stronger communication skills among their employees.

Their platform also offers useful insights into the progress of each individual employee as well as group progress, allowing employers to measure the success of their language training programs.

Get 20% OFF of Mondly Premium for 1 Month, 1 Language OR if you prefer to learn one language with Mondly for one year, you can get access to 20% OFF Mondly Premium for 1 Year, 1 Language.

Mondly VR

Mondly VR is an exciting new way to learn languages without traveling. Through the use of virtual reality technology, Mondly allows users to immerse themselves in a completely interactive, three-dimensional environment that simulates real-life language learning situations.

In each lesson, learners will experience verbal and visual cues from native speakers who appear in a virtual world, all while practicing their conversation, pronunciation and comprehension skills in a fun and engaging way.

Mondly AR

Mondly AR offers the same immersive language learning experience as Mondly VR but with an augmented reality twist. With this feature users can explore popular tourist destinations such as Paris or London from the comfort of their home.

They can use their phone’s camera to superimpose virtual objects and characters over real-life environments for an even more realistic experience.

Mondly Chatbot

The Mondly Chatbot is a fun way to practice conversational language skills. Through the chatbot, users can have natural conversations with virtual characters in different contexts and situations.

The chatbot also offers useful tools such as grammar and pronunciation tips, vocabulary quizzes and memory games to help learners practice their language skills in a fun and interactive way.

Mondly Kids

Mondly Kids is the perfect way for young learners to get started with language learning. With kid-friendly illustrations, bright, colorful visuals and fun characters, this feature helps children learn languages in an enjoyable and interactive environment.

Mondly Kids also offers personalized reports to parents to track their children’s progress and identify areas for improvement.

The Best Key Features Of Mondly

Mondly offers a range of features designed to make language learning easier, faster and more enjoyable.

Here are some of the primary features that make Mondly stand out from the crowd:

1. Speech Recognition

This feature allows you to practice your pronunciation with native speakers.

2. Virtual Reality Lessons

Immerse yourself in an environment of native speakers without ever leaving your home.

3. Gamification

Set goals and compete against other users who are in the same course or language level.

4. Artificial Intelligence Coaching

Get personalized feedback and guidance as you progress with Mondly’s AI coaching feature. 

5. Variety Of Exercises & Games

Mondly offers a wide range of fun games and activities, as well as exercise types and tasks that will keep you motivated and engaged in the process. 

6. Pronunciation Practice

Perfect your pronunciation with Mondly's audio recordings of native speakers.

7. Statistics

Track your progress and review your successes with Mondly’s reporting & statistics feature.

8. Leaderboard

See how your progress compares to other users.

Mondly’s Interface

Mondly has a simple, intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and find the features you need. The app is organized into different sections for each language, so you can easily switch between languages and track your progress as you go.

The main screen shows a selection of activities and challenges to help you learn quickly and easily. The app also has a built-in chatbot that allows you to have conversations with native speakers.

Learning Structure

Mondly offers a variety of exercises and tasks to help you improve your language skills. The app includes multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, dictation activities, image recognition activities and more.

You can also practice speaking and pronunciation with Mondly’s speech recognition technology.

Mondly's Course Structure

Mondly is divided into three main sections: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each section contains a series of lessons that are designed to help you progress quickly and master the language.

The app also includes reviews and tests after each lesson to make sure you’re on track and understand what you’ve learned.

Choosing Your Level

Mondly’s levels are designed to help you improve your language skills quickly and efficiently. If you’re just starting out, the Beginner level will give you a good foundation for learning a new language.

If you already have some knowledge of the language, the Intermediate and Advanced levels can help you take your skills to the next level. You can also use Mondly’s AI coach to get personalized feedback and guidance as you progress.

Mondly Lessons And What Are They Like?


Mondly offers a wide range of lessons, each tailored to the individual student’s needs. Their categories span several topics, from basic grammar and vocabulary to cultural elements.

Each lesson is designed to help you quickly master the language, allowing you to progress at a pace that is both challenging and enjoyable.

The lessons are also organized into levels, from beginner to advanced. This allows you to move through the lessons in an orderly fashion, mastering each concept before moving on to the next.

Get 20% OFF of Mondly Premium for 1 Month, 1 Language OR if you prefer to learn one language with Mondly for one year, you can get access to 20% OFF Mondly Premium for 1 Year, 1 Language.

Core Vocabulary

Mondly offers an extensive range of vocabulary words and phrases suitable for all levels. From beginners to advanced learners, Mondly is equipped with the necessary vocabulary to help users master and expand their language skills.

All lessons are designed with a focus on the most commonly used words, phrases and structures in order to provide users with the basics of the language quickly and effectively.

Daily Lessons

Daily lessons in Mondly vary depending on the level you’re at. Beginner lessons focus on basic words, phrases and grammar while Intermediate and Advanced lessons are geared towards more complex topics such as conversations, cultural awareness and pronunciation.

Each lesson teaches a combination of words, phrases and vocabulary, as well as a conversational component using AI-powered speech recognition technology.

The lessons are also designed to be fun and engaging, with interactive tasks and challenges that help you develop your language skills in a practical setting.


Mondly also has a built-in chatbot that allows you to practice conversation and assess your language skills in real time. The chatbot can help you learn new words and phrases.

You can also use the chatbot to have a conversation with native speakers, which is a great way to practice your language skills in a real-world setting.

Weekly Quizzes

Mondly offers weekly quizzes to help you recall and review the material you’ve learned. The quizzes are designed to test your knowledge of the material covered in each lesson, assess your language skills and measure your progress.

You can also use the quizzes as a tool for self-assessment, allowing you to practice and develop your language skills in an enjoyable and challenging way.

They include multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank and dictation questions that will help you master the language quickly and easily.

Monthly Challenges

Mondly offers monthly challenges to help you stay motivated and engaged in the learning process. The challenges consist of a variety of tasks such as speaking, writing and comprehension exercises that will help you become more proficient in the language.

Where Can You Take Mondly Lessons?

Mondly lessons are available anytime, anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and you can access the Mondly app on any device – desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet.

Mondly App

The Mondly app is available on both iOS and Android devices. You can easily download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store, depending on your device.

With the app, you can take lessons offline and access all of the features whenever you want. The app also allows you to track your progress and keep up with your language goals.

Get 20% OFF of Mondly Premium for 1 Month, 1 Language OR if you prefer to learn one language with Mondly for one year, you can get access to 20% OFF Mondly Premium for 1 Year, 1 Language.

Mondly AR App

Mondly also has an augmented reality feature that allows you to practice your language skills in a virtual world. With the Mondly AR app, you can take lessons in any environment and interact with 3D characters and objects that help bring the language to life.

The app also features voice recognition technology so you can check your pronunciation and get feedback on your speaking skills.

Mondly VR App

Mondly also offers a virtual reality (VR) app. With the VR app, you can immerse yourself in a completely immersive experience and learn a language naturally by moving through interactive scenarios.

RELATED: The Rise Of VR Language Learning: How To Learn A Language With Virtual Reality.

The VR app is available on Oculus Rift and STEAM. You can access all of the same features as the regular Mondly app, plus some unique ones, such as the Virtual Reality Immersion.

VR Headset

The VR headset works by providing a stereoscopic image with left and right eye lenses which create the 3D effect. The headset also has head-tracking sensors that allow you to move your head and interact with the virtual environment, making it a truly immersive experience for language learners.

A great set of headsets is the Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR headsets or HTC Vive, depending on your budget and preferences.

Mondly On Desktop

If you prefer to learn from a desktop, you can access the Mondly lessons online. Just create an account and you’ll have instant access to the language learning platform. Plus, with the desktop version of Mondly, you can take part in interactive classes and activities such as writing exercises and listening activities.

Quick Way To Start Using Mondly

Starting on Mondly is easy and convenient. All you need to do is create a free account and you’ll have instant access to the language learning platform. Once your account is set up, there are a few things that you can do to get started right away.

The first step is to personalize your learning plan by selecting the language you speak (native language) and selecting the language you want to learn (target language). Then, choose a level that suits your current ability - beginner, intermediate, or advanced.

Once you’ve chosen a language and level, Mondly will offer personalized lessons based on your goals.

With each lesson, you can practice speaking and listening skills with native speakers from around the world. Plus, you can also use the interactive flashcards and fun quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Get 20% OFF of Mondly Premium for 1 Month, 1 Language OR if you prefer to learn one language with Mondly for one year, you can get access to 20% OFF Mondly Premium for 1 Year, 1 Language.

Can You Become Fluent With Mondly?

The answer to whether you can become fluent with Mondly depends on many factors, such as how much time you are willing to dedicate to learning and how much effort you put into the process. As with any language learning program, dedication and consistency are key.

Mondly is an excellent platform for language learners as it offers a wide range of features and exercises to help you learn quickly and easily.

With its use of gamification, virtual reality lessons, AI coaching and real-life scenarios, Mondly can certainly help you make significant progress towards fluency in a language.

However, it's also important to remember that no language learning platform can guarantee perfect fluency as this requires dedicated practice and immersion in the language.


  • Mondly offers over 41 languages from 41 native languages

  • Great for travelers who want to brush up on their language skills quickly and easily

  • Quick and easy lessons, perfect for a busy lifestyle

  • Easy to use interface that makes it perfect for beginners or advanced learners

  • Flexible and convenient

  • At the end of each lesson, you'll be given a comprehensive summary to help you retain what you've learned.

  • Context-based learning

  • Affordable pricing

  • Variety of features for different learning styles 

  • Gamification feature keeps users motivated and engaged

  • Speech recognition technology & artificial intelligence coaching 

  • The chat bot improves your pronunciation

  • Virtual reality lessons 

  • Thousands of real-world conversations and vocabulary lessons

What I Liked About Mondly

What I liked about Mondly is the way it makes learning languages easy, convenient, and fun. With its virtual reality lessons and speech recognition technology, I was able to immerse myself in an environment of native speakers without having to travel abroad and learn in the comfort of my own home.

​​I even liked Mondly’s AI coaching, in that it provided me with personalized feedback and guidance as I progressed through the course.

I also appreciated the gamification feature as it kept me motivated and engaged. And finally, I was impressed with the quality of their real-world conversations and vocabulary lessons.


  • Limited free version (no access to all features) 

  • Some users find the material to be too basic for their needs

  • No formal certification after completing courses or tests 

  • No human conversation partners for language practice 

  • Some users have reported that the speech recognition feature can be unreliable at times

  • The audio quality of virtual reality lessons could be improved

  • Only a select group of languages on Mondly AR offers additional lessons

What I Didn’t Like About Mondly

What I didn’t like about Mondly is that the free version doesn't include access to all features. This can be a bit restrictive for those looking for more advanced lessons.

While there are some basic lessons and vocabulary available, it won't be enough for more experienced learners.

There's no formal certification or human conversation partners, which can make it difficult to practice your language skills. Lastly, I found the audio quality of some of the virtual reality lessons to be a bit lacking.

Which Languages Does Mondly Offer?

  • British English

  • American English

  • Spanish (Castilian)

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Russian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Chinese

  • Turkish

  • Arabic

  • Persian

  • Hebrew

  • Brazilian Portuguese

  • European Portuguese

  • Catalan

  • Latin

  • Dutch

  • Swedish

  • Norwegian

  • Danish

  • Finnish

  • Latvian

  • Lithuanian

  • Greek

  • Romanian

  • Afrikaans

  • Croatian

  • Polish

  • Bulgarian

  • Czech

  • Slovak

  • Hungarian

  • Ukrainian

  • Vietnamese

  • Hindi

  • Bengali

  • Indonesian

  • Tagalog

  • Thai

Mondly’s Pricing

Mondly offers a free version of their app as well as monthly and annual subscription plans. The free version features limited content, such as learning the basics of a language, while the paid plans offer unlimited access to all courses and features.

The pricing varies depending on which package you choose, but most users find that it’s affordable and well worth the cost.

Get 20% OFF of Mondly Premium for 1 Month, 1 Language OR if you prefer to learn one language with Mondly for one year, you can get access to 20% OFF Mondly Premium for 1 Year, 1 Language.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Mondly really good?

Yes! It's great for beginners as well as advanced learners and offers something for everyone.

Mondly is an incredibly effective language learning platform that offers a unique, fun, and engaging way to learn a new language. With its use of gamification and virtual reality lessons, Mondly makes the process of learning easier and more enjoyable.

Plus, it offers advanced artificial intelligence (AI) coaching which provides personalized feedback and guidance as you progress. The app also has a range of customization options that allow you to tailor your learning experience.

How long does it take to learn a language on Mondly?

The answer to how long it takes to learn a language on Mondly varies depending on the language, your commitment and dedication, and how much time you are willing to spend each day or week. It also depends on your current level of knowledge in the language you want to learn.

For a beginner with no prior knowledge of the language, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months or even years depending on how often they practice and how dedicated they are.

RELATED: How Long Does It Take To Learn A Language? Shocking Truth!

For an advanced learner, it could take much less time as they already have a basic understanding of the language.

Mondly is designed to be flexible and you can choose how much time you want to spend each day. You can also customize your lessons and choose specific topics that you want to focus on. 

How much can you learn with Mondly?

Mondly can help you learn a language from scratch or improve your existing skills. The app offers over 10,000 exercises and lessons that cover various topics such as grammar, pronunciation, conversation and vocabulary.

You can also access real-life scenarios to practice your speaking skills in situations you might encounter when traveling.

The Mondly Virtual Reality experience is another great feature that helps to immerse you in the language and culture, allowing you to explore simulated environments such as a city street or museum.

This incredibly immersive learning experience can help you learn faster and retain more of what you have learned.

How many words are in Mondly?

Mondly has an extensive vocabulary bank with over 10,000 words covering a wide range of topics, from everyday expressions to technical terms.

This means that it's suitable for any level of language learner, whether you're just starting out or already have some knowledge of the language. It also means that you can quickly and easily find the words and phrases you need to express yourself in any situation.

How do I quit Mondly?

If you want to quit Mondly, you can do so at any time in the app settings. You simply need to go to your profile page and tap on the “Account info” button, then click "Delete account". This will cancel your subscription and delete all of your data from the app.

Is Mondly Worth It?

Mondly is quickly becoming one of the most popular language learning programs out there. Mondly offers an immersive, interactive experience for its users. Through gamification and virtual reality lessons, Mondly keeps users engaged as they learn new words and phrases.

The speech recognition feature allows you to practice your pronunciation and get instant feedback, while the artificial intelligence coach helps you master grammar tips through personalized exercises and challenges.

​​The Mondly app also offers a range of features that make it easier to learn on the go. The user-friendly interface makes navigating the app a breeze, while its in-depth content covers all aspects of language learning – from grammar and pronunciation to reading comprehension and conversation.

So, is Mondly worth it? Absolutely!


In conclusion, Mondly is a great option for anyone looking to learn a foreign language. It has many features that make it unique compared to other apps and platforms out there.

The app also has a huge vocabulary bank, so you can find the words and phrases you need to express yourself in any situation. The lessons are also well-designed and effective. It's especially well suited for beginners, as it offers an immersive experience without being overwhelming.

​​Combined with regular practice and dedication, Mondly could be the best choice for learning your desired language!

The cost of Mondly is also worth considering - while the app itself is free, you'll need to pay for most lessons beyond the basics unless you opt for a subscription.

​​Whether you’re a beginner or advanced student, and you’re looking for a quick refresher or an in-depth course, Mondly can help you reach your language learning goals in no time. So if you’ve been wanting to learn a new language but don’t have time (or money) to travel – give Mondly a try! You won't regret it!


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So, here’s the question: Have you tried Mondly yet? If so, what was your experience like? Did you enjoy using Mondly? Did you dislike it? And if you haven’t tried Mondly, will you be trying the program? Let us know in the comments section down below.

P.S. I want to hear from you today. No for real, get out from behind that keyboard and tell us more about yourself! Use the comment section down below and introduce yourself.

Hey, I’m Mara.

I am the founder and blogger of Sololingual helping anyone at any age, from any place, who wants to learn a new language. You can learn how to reach fluency in your chosen language fast, fun and easily studying a short amount each day and spending very little money using different language learning techniques, programs and resources at your disposal. Fluency isn't difficult to achieve. In fact, it’s easy when you find a solid method that walks you through every step of the way, and believing in yourself so that you can achieve your goal at becoming fluent in any language.

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